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Do I Need a Tassimo Cleaning Disc to Clean My T-Disc Brewer?

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A few companies are marketing branded cleaning discs for a variety of single serving coffee makers, including such CoffeeForLess favorites as Tassimo and Keurig coffee machines. These products appearance in the marketplace has led some in our coffee community to ask if these products are necessary when it comes to coffee machine maintenance. Today, we put to rest he question of whether you need a branded Tassimo cleaning disc or some sort of special cleaning K-Cup to clean these machinese.

While these branded cleaning implements do offer their own specific promises, single cup coffee makers like Tassimo T-Disc brewer and the Keurig K-Cup coffee maker are quite simply not that different from regular coffee makers to absolutely necessitate design or brand specific cleansers.

They can simply be cleaned as any other coffee maker is cleaned, making single cup coffee makers just as easy to own and maintain as regular coffee makers, no Tassimo cleaning disc or scrubby K-Cup necessary.

Clean Tassimo or K-Cup Coffee Makers with Household Ingredients

Maybe you have heard that you can clean coffee makers with white vinegar, maybe you have not, but one thing is certain: it works. Vinegar is very acidic and the elements left behind by unfiltered water and the coffee making process happen to have a great solubility in acidic vinegar-water mixtures.

The only problem with using white vinegar to clean a coffee maker like a Tassimo or Keurig model is that vinegar itself, while utterly harmless to people, is actually quite acidic and capable of damaging sensitive coffee maker parts. This is solved by simply watering down vinegar at a proportion of one part vinegar to two parts water.

For instance, mixing one cup of vinegar with two cups of water would make a cleansing fluid that is utterly effective at descaling and cleaning as any Tassimo cleaning disc.

The method is simply, run your vinegar-water mix through your coffee maker just as you would regular water. Run the vinegar-water mix to make a full pot of coffee or cup of coffee, depending on your brewer. Do this once, and then run the brewer two more times with regular water to rinse out any residual vinegar.

Do this with no coffee in the machine and discard each round of cleanser brew to clean your Tassimo brewer or K-Cup coffee maker with no need for branded cleaning discs.


  • Will the cleaning disc work with the cleaning fluid? My machines red light is showing so I cant.get it do.anything

    Gordon Thomas
  • While vinegar and water do work (in fact I am using this as I type) it should be noted that it will void the warranty. I dont need to worry because I bought my machine used but if anyone has a new machine this would be important to them.

    Darlene Wigston
  • While vinegar and water do work (in fact I am using this as I type) it should be noted that it will void the warranty. I dont need to worry because I bought my machine used but if anyone has a new machine this would be important to them.

    Darlene Wigston
  • I was just wondering how many times can you use the yellow cleaning disc before I need a new one.

    Lisa Turton
  • On the coffee machine there is a white called Descale. Tried a lot and can not get rid of the white. What can I do.

    Darlene Wiebe

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