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What is Pinterest?

Pinterest lets you organize and share things you find on the web. Users create Pinboards to share links with others, generally under a theme or an idea. You can browse Pinboards created by other people. Browsing Pinboards is a fun way to discover new things and get inspiration from people who share your interests.

Pinboards let you organize items you like on Pinterest.

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How do I view the CoffeeForLess Pinboard?

Go to or click on our Pinterest button and start exploring the links we’re sharing.

Find CoffeeForLess' Pinboard on Pinterest.

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How can I share Coffee For Less links on my own Pinterest Pinboard?

On each product page, we’ve now added an easy “Pin it” button, which will allow you to quickly share something you find interesting with your own friends on Pinterest.

Track your favorites! Pin CoffeeForLess products and pages to your own Pinboard with the Pin it button.

Once you click on the “Pin it” button, you will be asked to log in to your Pinterest account.

Log into Pinterest.

When you have logged in, you will have the option to write a message about the link you’re pinning, so that you can share your own personal insights to others.

Add a message to your pin.

Once you’ve pinned your link, it will appear on your Pinboard for others to see.

A successful pin placed on your Pinboard.

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Pin It!

We encourage any of our customers to feel free to pin whatever they like from our page to share with others. For more information about how Pinterest works, or how to set up your own account, visit Pinterest's What is Pinterest?page.

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