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Throwback Thursday Week 18 Vintage Ads

Coffee Ads of Decades Past, Volume 18

Come and get it. This week's roundup of vintage coffee ads feature the bold and creative stylings from the likes of Pan American, Maxwell House, Sanka, and Schnull & Krag's.


Pan American

Coffee perks you up!


"Some folks frown on it... but it's a lot of fun!"

Published in The Saturday Evening Post, September 1940


 Maxwell House


"The powder coffee from the coffee people."


Maxwell House Coffee (French)

Tagline: L'un dans l'autre ç'est le goût du café fait au percolateur translates as "the one in the other is the taste of coffee made percolator."


Sanka Instant Coffee

Tagline: "Only one leading coffee is naturally decaffeinated with pure mountain water and nature's sparkling effervescence. Sanka. Of Course."

Schnull & Krag's Standard Roasted Coffee


"It tastes like coffee!"


See Also: Week 17 Throwback Thursday Vintage Ads