Vintage coffee ads: Black and White Edition from 1900's
Ready for more? Sit back with this collection of vintage coffee ads. We're featuring black and white relics from Folgers, Mayflower Kona Coffee, Faust Instant Coffee and Tea, and Nob Hill.
If you're mad for vintage coffee ads, you'll enjoy what we have in store.
Folgers Coffee
"... makes you want to WAKE UP AND LIVE!"
Mayflower Pure Kona Coffee
“Use good, pure water, in a coffee pot scrupulously clean and a boil just enough. Never warm up old coffee. Use just enough for each meal.
“Whether you prefer coffee black, or made a golden amber with rich cream, you’ll always prefer--after you’ve tried it once--Mayflower Pure Kona Coffee.”
The Garden Island, August 10, 1920, Page 6
Faust Instant Coffee and Tea, 1920s
A Merry Christmas -- and a cheery cup.
All the more reason to have good coffee--the best you can make--to keep the season merry, and to help you enjoy it to the utmost.
Faust Instant makes your coffee without delay--without any bother about wasted grounds, dirty pots, or cooking. Just stir half a teaspoonful of this pure, refined, soluble powder into a cup of boiling water. Your coffee is ready--flavored just as you love it best.
The same with Faust Instant Tea, except that you need only an eighth of a teaspoonful of the powder.
You can count this a Merry Christmas indeed, if this reminder teaches you the delight and convenience of Faust Instant. And you'll never go back to the old method of preparing your coffee and tea.
May's Kona Coffee, 1904
“To get a cup of real good coffee you’ll have to start back of the actual making--that is, to the roasting and grinding. May’s Kona Coffee is roasted fresh every day and ground as you need it. It is pure old Kona coffee and there is none better on earth--clear and delicious.”
Evening bulletin, August 05, 1904
Nob Hill Coffee, 1945
"There's more than superb coffee in Nob Hill's paper bag -- there's a coffee idea! A truly different coffee idea! This idea: in one thrifty bag, Nob Hill brings you a blend of the choicest coffees money can buy, plus the true freshness that comes with having coffee ground to your order when you buy it. So thrifty, too -- Nob Hill save you up to 7¢ on every pound."
Published in The Family Circle magazine, November 9, 1945, Vol. 27 No. 18
Image: Classic Film