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Colombia Coffee Fresh Pack Rail Colombia Coffee Fresh Pack Rail

Alterra Colombia Coffee Fresh Pack Rail 20 Ct

SKU# 4464922

Regular price $14.99 Sale

Alterra Colombia coffee makes a delicious cup of fragrant, balanced bodied, medium roast coffee on demand.


  • 20


Alterra Colombia Fresh Packs are made from quality hand-selected coffee beans. This Colombian coffee by Flavia uses the Fresh Pack coffee system to produce a fragrant cup of medium roasted coffee. The balanced bodied cup of coffee produced by Colombia Coffee Fresh Pack Rail 20 Ct is smooth and delicious thanks to the reliable brew of Flavia Fresh Pack coffee. Flavia Fresh Packs from CoffeeForLess ensure your coffee service is always stocked with the freshest coffee on demand. NOT A STANDARD COFFEE POD - FRESH PACKS WILL ONLY WORK IN FLAVIA COFFEE MACHINES
Roast Profile: Medium Roast Profile: Medium
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